
Text Link Ads

This is how Text Link Ads work:
1.Submit your site to be approved into the publisher program.
2.Insert the ad code on your website.
3.They sell Text Link Ads off your website.
4.YOU can choose to approve or deny any Text Link Ads sold prior to the links being published on your website. This ensures that only quality and relevant links appear on your website.
5.You make money. Sales, invoicing, and customer service are all handled by TLA. You can receive payment via check or PayPal. Payments are sent to publishers the first of every month with a $25 minimum payout.

More Information

* You receive 50% of the sale price for each text link ad sold off your website.
* Their ad serving technology currently supports websites that use server-side processing. This includes any site that uses PHP, ASP, PERL, Ruby on Rails, etc. Most forum and blog software packages are compatible with their technology.
* YES, you can display Text Link Ads on the same page with Google AdSense, Yahoo! Publisher Network, and other contextually served ads. Our Text Link Ads product is not a pay per click or contextually served ad system.

Text Link Ads are priced at a flat rate per month per link. You prepay for a 30 day run of your ad. Your ad will never be turned off if it gets too many impressions or clicks. Their pricing algorithm factors in a website's: traffic, theme, ad position, and link popularity when setting the flat ad rate per month.

They have a very good feedadvertising program too. Visit now